Peer Groups

Peer groups empower businesses, operating in similar sectors, to share knowledge, support and to develop new business opportunities together.

Peer Groups are:

  • A forum for members to communicate and, potentially, collaborate, with others within their business sector
  • Expertise hubs where up to date information can be circulated whether financial information, HR issues, information of other regulatory changes, legal viewpoints and operational pain points
  • Forums to build relationships; promoting collaboration or referrals; or to access outside sources to optimise benefits to our members
  • The facility to run training and informative events
  • An opportunity to mentor, or find a mentor in your business sector – Mentoring & Training

How it works

We arrange regular online, or face to face, meetings for our members to discuss topical issues and to ask for, or offer, support or knowledge. 

Some groups have Peer Heads who have offered to be the first port of call for any questions or queries you may have.

Case Studies