Terms & Conditions

Please be advised that the following is an abridged version of our full terms and conditions. The full terms of membership are contained with our constitution and its associated bye-laws.


A desire to become a member can be indicated by using the online tool available through the Essex Business Partnerships website, or by completing a physical application form.

Utilising the Essex Business Partnerships website to submit your application will result in sharing data with our preferred third parties, while utilising the physical application form will not.

Applications for membership are usually processed on a monthly basis and you will be advised of the decision of your application as soon as we can following our decision.

Invoices for successful applicants, in their appropriate format, will be sent at the earliest opportunity following our decision. Any issues found with an application will be discussed with the applicant before it is submitted to the board for final consideration and approval.

The minimum membership period is a full calendar year and you will be reminded when your membership period is about to expire. Special offers relating to membership may be offered from time to time.

Any successful applicant will have the benefit of adding a listing to our membership directory. The only information added by Essex Business Partnerships is that provided to them as part of the application process so that the member can be identified. Any further information is added by them and is not mandatory. Therefore, Essex Business Partnerships cannot be held responsible for the detail and nature of the information that a member chooses to add.

Renewals will be communicated at the appropriate time and members using Stripe as their method of joining will be renewed automatically unless the payments are cancelled. We will always communicate any renewal required within an appropriate timeframe.


Members are reminded that the listing of another members details within the membership directory counts as a public record. Therefore, the listing in itself does not form consent, nor legitimate interest, for the information to be utilised for any unsolicited marketing.

Suspicion that data is being used in such a way will initiate an investigation. Should the investigation prove that such events have taken place the board will consider the matter, which may conclude with the expulsion of that member from the organisation. Such illegal use of data, particularly personal data, will not be tolerated.


A membership period runs for a number of consecutive months (a minimum of twelve months) from the latter of, the day of approval, or the date the first payment is received by us.

In order to provide our members with the most flexible and affordable way to be members of Essex Business Partnerships, most levels of membership are available as 12 equal monthly payments, or as a single, discounted, annual payment.

Applicants are reminded that applications through the website relates to a 12-month membership and hence any monthly payments are expected to be continued until the renewal period.

Any member not completing their monthly payments will be asked to complete them and we reserve the right to pursue payment for the full term of the membership period through the appropriate legal channels.

Payments through the website are initiated through a secure portal with our preferred partner. We can take no responsibility for errors made in user input, but are prepared to collaborate and remedy any situation as simply as we possibly can.

Payments made through Stripe are recurring and will be amended by Essex Business Partnerships Limited at the appropriate time.

Contact & Communication

The primary purpose of the Essex Business Partnerships is to promote its existence and to serve the business, and wider community, within Essex. Therefore, the use of social media is very important to us and we will rely on our members sharing our posts with their networks to make the benefits of Essex Business Partnerships as widely known as possible.

In order to keep in touch with its members, and with those who have an interest following the developments of the organisation, we will use distribution lists to signpost events and articles as well. Any addition to the distribution lists is always consensual. We firmly believe that this type of communication can be extremely useful in helping the business community in, and around, Essex to grow.


Members are expected to uphold the founding principles of the Essex Business Partnerships and act in a professional manner at all times.

The decision of the board of the organisation is, at present, final. However, at our heart are the concepts of inclusivity and fairness.

The full details of how matters that do not match these standards can be found in the constitution and the bye-laws.


There are three categories of events; standard, annual and special. All standard virtual events will be free to members.

The standard events are the business breakfast, business lunch and well-being evening.

Annual events we are planning include; a barbeque, an annual awards programme (with celebratory dinner), an annual business showcase for businesses that wish to conduct business in, and around, Essex and an annual celebratory dinner.

Special events are those that fall outside of each of the above categories.

Once released, on our chosen platform, tickets to events will be publicised through our website our social media pages, to our distribution list and through our chosen ticketing partner, which may change from time to time.

Use of data

Essex Business Partnerships takes use of all data very seriously and it will never share personal, or sensitive, data without first seeking approval unless, according to UK law, there is a legal obligation or legitimate basis on which it has to be processed. Your choices, such as completing an online application, provide the legitimate interest to share data with our payment partner.

Direct marketing from the Essex Business Partnerships is extremely limited and it will generally be provided through the newsletter, or publication of events through a distribution list.

Data will be kept for an appropriate time to allow any described communication to take place. This may be between an event sponsor and the attendees of an event, for the distribution of material provided at the appropriate event.

Any information that is required to be held at board level will need to be retained for 10 years, to comply with The Companies Act 2006. This will be the only reason is held for this period of time, unless another legal basis of processing takes precedence.

While we make every effort to follow the legal aspects of data protection, we cannot enforce the legal framework alone. If something happens that you are not comfortable with, please contact us through [email protected].


Refunds for any events will be processed as soon as it is feasibly possible alongside the terms and conditions of particular events.

Any cancellation less than two days prior the event taking place will not be refunded. This is to ensure that places cancelled on events have the best chance of being resold. Any cancellations registered earlier than this will have their event fee refunded, however, the booking fee may be retained by the agent. We have no influence over their decision whether to refund their fee, or not.

Refunds for any unsuccessful applications will be processed within two business days of that decision being taken. It may take longer than that for the funds to appear in the bank account of the applicant as it depends on factors beyond our control.

The Essex Business Partnerships will not take part in any discussion concerning refunds for business contracted with an organisation member, or an organisation that was introduced within an organisation event. Such disputes must be settled between the appropriate parties directly as they are party to the details of the contract between them, whether verbal or in writing.

Sponsors and Presenters

The Essex Business Partnerships relies on sponsors, and presenters, to promote the efforts the organisation by making the benefit for the business, and wider, community known by as wide an audience as possible. It is important to us that our sponsors, and presenters, share all of our values.

Essex Business Partnerships need to remind our members that sponsors, and/or presenters, may be exposed to data, including personal data, for, or through, a particular event.

In such cases, they will only be authorised to utilise the data to provide information to the attendees that is promised at that particular event. In some cases, it may be decided that Essex Business Partnerships will act as the distribution agent.


If you have any further questions about how we work, or how we may help you, please contact us via [email protected]. We will ensure your enquiry is dealt with promptly.